Trauma-Focused CBT
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of therapeutic treatment that addresses the emotional and mental health needs of trauma survivors. It generally targets children and youth struggling with post-traumatic stress and emotional dysfunction due to early traumatic experiences, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, or loss of a loved one. The trauma-focused CBT training program aims to equip licensed mental health professionals with the skillset to administer this type of treatment to children, adolescents, adults, and families struggling with post-traumatic dysfunction.
- Learn the types of issues and target groups that TF-CBT is appropriate for
- Learn the guiding principles and treatment components of TF-CBT
- Learn the duration, frequency, and pace of TF-CBT treatment delivery
- Learn the structure of a TF-CBT session
- Learn how to use multiple TF-CBT techniques, such as trauma narration and processing, affect identification and regulation, cognitive coping, and in Vivo mastery.
How does it work?
The training material will be delivered by one of our specialists either virtually or at our office in downtown London, Ontario. An evaluation process will be used to monitor learner progress. Contact us to book a training session for your team or for any other inquiries.